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The Nanae Akamatsu Street Summer Festival

It’s a Summer festival that many street stalls in a large open space.

It is a Summer festival which held at Akamatsu park (in Nanae sougou park). In the festival, there are many local street stalls, and Karaoke singing contest and any other event is held on the stage.


The Nanae Akamatsu Street Summer Festival

会場: 北海道亀田郡七飯町大中山5丁目122-1  七飯総合公園(あかまつ公園)

アクセス方法: JR七飯駅から車で5分

主催: 七飯町商工会

開催日: July 13th and 14th 2024

お問い合わせ: 七飯町商工会納涼祭実行委員会

電話: 0138-65-7111
