The Hokkaido Onuma Great Run・Walk
It’s the biggest running and walking evebt in Onuma.
Onuma Park is a famous place of the colored leaves which are eminence in Hokkaido. It is an event to enjoy running and walking while enjoying the lakeside scenery that changed color vividly. It is held in the middle of October every year. It’s not compete for time. For your health, for your refreshment, would you like to run at pace of yourself? After a goal, apples from Nanae town and soup, sweets will be served. Prior application is necessary for participation.

The Hokkaido Onuma Great Run・Walk
会場: 大沼公園広場、大沼湖畔周遊道路
アクセス方法: JR大沼公園駅から徒歩5分
主催: 一般社団法人 七飯大沼国際観光コンベンション協会
開催日: October 6, 2024
お問い合わせ: 北海道大沼グレートラン・ウォーク運営委員会事務局
●七飯町経済部商工観光課 電話:0138-65-2517
●七飯大沼国際観光コンベンション協会 電話:0138-67-3020