Consideration for others in the park
The Natural Parks Act restricts certain acts to protect natural scenic sites in national and quasi-national parks. We appreciate your cooperation so that everyone can enjoy comfortable sightseeing and staying in the park.

Do not litter in the park.
Please take your garbage home or throw it in garbage cans installed in stores or other facilities.

Do not throw stones into the lake.
Fish and other aquatic creatures live in the lake. Don’t scare them!

Do not talk loudly.
Some people enjoy walking leisurely in the natural surroundings. Onuma is also a wetland registered under the Ramsar Convention as a habitat of wild birds. Please be careful not to bother others.

Do not ride a bicycle in the walking paths.
Walking paths are exclusively for walkers. There are stones, tree roots and bridges on the paths, some of which are not paved. Do not enter the walking paths on a bicycle.

Prohibition on burning and campfires (Restrictions in special protection zones, Article 14, Paragraph 3 of the Natural Parks Act)
Please use a stove with legs at Higashi Onuma Campsite.

Prohibition on picking plants except trees/bamboo, or fallen leaves/branches (Restrictions in special protection zones, Article 14, Paragraph 3 of the Natural Parks Act)

Prohibition on the capture of animals or collection of eggs of wild species (Restrictions in special protection zones, Article 14, Paragraph 3 of the Natural Parks Act)

Do not feed wild animals or birds.
It is dangerous to feed wild animals and birds. Do not give swans human food that is not available in nature like salty snacks and sushi wrapped in nori. These are not good for the health of birds. Please also note that if you feed Ezo red foxes and other wild animals, they may bite you.