Sightseeing Boat・Boat
45.Onuma Yusen(Boat)
Tours of the Islands in Lake Onuma and Lake Konuma with Boat.
How about to take a look the lake and command a magnificent view of Mt.Komagatake on a boat? Sightseeing Boat tours around the Lake Onuma and Lake Komuna takes about 30 minutes. The guide with you on the boat whose recommendation of sightseeing of Onuma. Please enjoy that.
They also have some kinds of boat. Please enjoy with friends and families.
●Sightseeing Boat(from middle of April to end of November)
The time required 30 minutes
Fare:Adults ¥1,460・Children ¥730
【Departure Time】
※Irregular operations in Apr. and Nov.
※Wheelchair can also go aboard the boat.
●Rowboat (60 min.) For 2 or 3 people ¥2,000
●Pedal boat (30 min.)/ For 2 people ¥2,000、
For 4 people ¥2,500、For 6 people ¥3,000
●Water lily cruise (summer season) Reservation required
60 min, For 2 people ¥10,000, 3 or more people: 5,000 yen per person
■Credit Card Accept
(VISA・MASTER・American Express・Others)
■Suica or other transportation IC card available
■Menu Language(Japanese・English・an original Chinese character
・a simplified Chinese character・Korean)
■Sectionalized smoking
■There is no Parking lot
■Barrier Free
■Facilities are available for group of over 15 people
■Any family with children is welcome
Updated on Mar. 2024


45.Onuma Yusen(Boat)
住所: 1023-1, Onumacho, Nanae-cho Kameda-gun, Hokkaido, 041-1354, Japan
電話: +81-138-67-2229
営業時間: [Sightseeing Boat] Mid Apr. - End Nov.