Monument that carved Haiku(Takahama Kyoshi scion)
「Komagatake Sobietekokoni Numanoharu」Kyoshi
「Shimajimano Wakabanoirono Minachigau」Keigetsu
It is haiku that Kyoshi Takahama thought of seeking inspiration for haiku in Onuma on May 23, 1939, held a homey small word assembly in an in “Kogetsu” with Takagi Mochika, Takagi Haruko, Takahama Akiko, Naito Shorai, Abe Keigetsu. The location of the monument is behind the Onuma Fujin Kaikan, which goes to approximately 50m towards the Park Plaza from Onuma Koen Station, a building on the right.
(Inn “Kogetsu” does not exist now)