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View Spot

Onuma Forest Park

The spot where is recommended for forest walk and birdwatching.
A promenade of approximately 2.5km is maintained, and the colored leaves are beautiful.

Enter the gate of Onuma International Seminar House from the lakeside circular road, advance to deep then, there is a guide map of promenade. The giant skunk cabbage is seen in spring, and many people come for the observation of plants and wild birds, colored leaves viewing in Autumn. You can walk with snow shoes in Winter. Parking lot available. Free admission.

●Free admission
●You can observe naturally in the park.


Onuma Forest Park

住所: 127,Onumacho, Nanae-cho Kameda-gun, Hokkaido, 041-1354, Japan

電話: +81-138-67-3685

営業時間: 9:00~17:00

定休日: Year end and New year