The road that haiku poet Kyoshi Takahama strolled while making one haiku when he vested Onuma.
「Komagatake Sobietekokoni Numanoharu」Kyoshi
「Shimajimano Wakabanoirono Minachigau」Keigetsu
May 23, 1939. Haruko who is Kyoshi’s fifth daughter gave a birth for her first son in previous December. In those days, she was working in the Bank of Japan Hakodate Branch. Kyoshi came to Hakodate with his wife to meet this grandchild, Kyoshi thought to make a haiku in Onuma, and dropped at Onuma with his wife Mrs. Ito and daughters, Abe Keigetsu and others. A haiku gathering is held on the second floor of the inn “Kogetsu” which there was on this place, and it is said that Kyoshi walked this place while making a haiku, in those days.