Monument that carved Haiku(Matsuda Busyo)
「Shitahieya Hutomesamureba Yorunoame」
This haiku is the best phrase of Matsuda Busyo who come to Onuma as a village doctor of Nanae in August, 1927. He presided “Suishoukai” for 10years in afterward. Busyo was born in Iyo, Uwajima, and crossed to Hokkaido at 27years old in 1887, and inherited the sixth of “Ononoesha” of Shoso Oni who was a father of Hokkaido’s Haikai, and Busyo was said to be a genius of South Hokkaido. In this later years, he built himself a hermitage to the Konuma lakeside and the enjoyed the lake for life and was indulged in a phrase product. This monument is seen on the left in the middle of Konuma walking path while looking at the main gate of a Temple Showa to the left hand when you go ahead through the path.